I had a very enjoyable time on the way up to Grass Valley after I joined into a conversation some fellow travlers. I'm always amazed by the people I meet, the things they've done and the things that they're doing. Of course the good conversation made the trip fly and with just one connecting bus I was dropped off maybe 100 yards from the shop. Once again I set up camp at the flower/coffee shop to wait for my poor bike. The women there were very sweet and asked me if I was comfortable spralled out on their couch.

Finally a call came from the shop. I was waiting for the next calamity to strike, don't ask me what but I was preparing myself for disappointment once again. Thankfully the news was good, the bike was ready! Before I took off one of the tech's pointed out that the fuel hose under the seat was rubbing on a bolt but that it should be fine for the trip. Of course after the drama of the fuel pump I didn't want to take any chances and they rigged up guard for it to prevent any more damage.

After a quick gas stop I was off, I never realized how good it would feel to get back on the bike. It mellowed out my anzitiy, and calmed me be back to status quo. If you look at the SPOT my route was a little conviluted this evening but I figured it would be good to get some miles in close to friends and family before I truely took off. I left the bed made at my Aunt's house just in case!

The bike felt great, the seat felt great, the wind on the freeway felt great, I'm was just happy to be in the driver's seat again. Major issues put in perspective of minor problems, aches, pains and discomforts.

You might notice the load has been lighted. I filtered through and removed some (hopefully) extraious clothing. I kept riding until the sun got low, and pulled off only because it's much easier to set up camp in daylight. I stumbled upon some cool two track and after some wandering around I finally found a spot that was flat and fairly well cleared off. It was getting close to finding a flat spot of two track to put up the tent. Who rides dirt bikes or quads on a Thursday morning? I can't wait for light tomorrow morning, what little I saw looked, the site should be breathtaking.

After setting up the tent, I headed back to civilization for some food. And Safeway was the place! Have you ever noticed how difficult, and expensive, it is to find single service food in a grocery store? Oh well, dinner consited of apple slices, water, cold chicken strips and a little bit of Ben and Jerry's. I feel like a queen with a full belly and the crickets singing me to sleep.


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